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Discover Your Ayurvedic Potential: Take the Dosha Quiz!

Updated: Jul 15, 2024

Did you know that your morning sluggishness or sudden bursts of energy could be linked to your ancient mind-body type? In Ayurveda, the wisdom of this connection lies in understanding your dosha.

Have you ever wondered why some mornings you wake up feeling energized and ready to conquer the day, while others leave you sluggish and craving another hour of sleep? Or perhaps you've noticed how certain foods leave you feeling light and vibrant, while others trigger discomfort? In Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, these experiences can be explained by your unique doshic constitution, also known as your Prakruti.

Understanding your dominant dosha can be a game-changer. Imagine waking up feeling refreshed every day, having the perfect diet that keeps you energized, and managing stress with ease. This is all within reach when you discover your unique Ayurvedic constitution.

However, when your doshas become imbalanced, you might experience certain health concerns. These imbalances are known as your Vikruti. Taking a dosha quiz can help you identify these potential imbalances and take steps towards a more balanced and healthy you.

What are Doshas?

Doshas are the three bioenergies that govern our physical and mental makeup. They are:

  • Vata: Associated with air and space, Vata represents movement, creativity, and change.

  • Pitta: Governed by fire and water, Pitta embodies passion, metabolism, and digestion.

  • Kapha: Ruled by earth and water, Kapha reflects stability, structure, and growth.

Everyone possesses all three doshas, but typically, one or two are dominant, shaping our physical characteristics, personality traits, and even our tendencies towards certain health concerns.

Chart: Ayurvedic Doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha)

Why Take a Dosha Quiz?

Understanding your dominant dosha offers a powerful tool for self-discovery. By taking a dosha quiz, you can gain valuable insights into:

  • Your physical needs: Knowing your dosha can help you make informed dietary choices, choose exercises that best suit your energy levels, and even understand your sleep patterns.

  • Your emotional tendencies: Each dosha has associated emotional patterns. Recognizing these can empower you to manage stress, cultivate emotional well-being, and strengthen your relationships.

  • Your overall health: By understanding your doshic imbalances, you can take preventive measures and create a personalized approach to health and wellness.

What is your dosha? Image of the doshas elements

Here's What You Can Expect From Our Dosha Quiz:

This insightful assessment delves into 27 aspects of your being, exploring your physical characteristics, daily routines, and emotional tendencies.

Through a series of multiple-choice questions, you'll gain valuable insights into your unique mind-body connection. Explore how your physical constitution, daily habits, and emotional makeup contribute to your overall health and well-being.

By the end of the quiz, you'll receive:

  • Your dominant dosha: Vata, Pitta, or Kapha, along with a brief explanation of its characteristics.

  • A deeper understanding of your mind-body connection.

  • Insights into how your dosha influences your overall health and well-being.

This Dosha Quiz is your key to unlocking a personalized approach to Ayurveda. Take the quiz today and begin to cultivate a life in harmony with your unique constitution!

It is best to fill out the Dosha Quiz twice. First, choices should be based on what has been most consistent from childhood onwards. This is your Prakruti, Constitution. Fill out the Dosha Quiz a second time, keeping in mind how you have been more recently, in the past 15-20 days. This is your Vikruti, Current State. The total number under Vata, Pitta and Kapha is your own ratio of Doshas in your Prakruti and Vikruti.


Ready to delve deeper and learn what your dosha reveals about your physical characteristics, emotional makeup, and overall health? Let's explore the fascinating world of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha!

1. Vata Dosha: The Air & Space Element

Vata, governed by air and space, embodies movement, creativity, and change. People with a dominant Vata dosha are often described as:

  • Physically:  Tall and thin with dry skin and hair.

  • Energetically:  Light, quick-thinking, and adaptable, but can be spacey, anxious, or have trouble sleeping.

  • Emotionally:  Creative, enthusiastic, but prone to worry and restlessness.

2. Pitta Dosha: The Fire & Water Element

Pitta, driven by fire and water, represents passion, metabolism, and digestion. Those with a dominant Pitta dosha tend to be:

  • Physically:  Medium build with oily skin and a reddish tint to the hair.

  • Energetically:  Sharp, intelligent, and driven, but can be prone to anger, inflammation, and be overly critical.

  • Emotionally:  Passionate, confident, but can be short-tempered and controlling.

3. Kapha Dosha: The Earth & Water Element

Kapha, ruled by earth and water, reflects stability, structure, and growth. Individuals with a dominant Kapha dosha are often:

  • Physically:  Stocky and strong with thick, oily skin and hair.

  • Energetically:  Grounded, calm, and patient, but can be lethargic, slow to move, and prone to weight gain.

  • Emotionally:  Supportive, nurturing, but can be resistant to change and overly attached to routine.

Remember: These are just general descriptions, and everyone has a unique blend of all three doshas. The specific combination of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha in your constitution creates your own individual blueprint.

Want to delve deeper and explore how your unique doshic balance influences your health and well-being? We offer complimentary 15-minute Ayurveda consultations to help you understand your dosha in more detail and discover personalized recommendations for a balanced and fulfilling life.

Get in touch today to schedule your consultation and embark on your transformative Ayurvedic journey!


Living in harmony with your dosha is a journey of self-discovery and personalized practices. Here are some general tips to get you started:

  • Diet: Choose foods that pacify your dominant dosha. For example, Vatas benefit from warm, grounding foods like soups and stews, Pittas from cooling and easily digestible meals like salads and vegetables, and Kaphas from lighter meals with less emphasis on dairy and sweets.


  • Vata: Establish a regular sleep routine, create a calming environment, and engage in grounding activities like yoga or meditation.

  • Pitta: Avoid excessive heat and stress, incorporate cooling practices like moonlit walks, and prioritize activities that promote focus and relaxation.

  • Kapha: Introduce movement into your day through exercise or brisk walks, create a stimulating environment, and explore activities that spark creativity and break up routine.

  • Ayurvedic Practices: Explore practices like self-massage (abhyanga) using oils specific to your dosha, or herbal remedies recommended by an Ayurvedic practitioner.

Remember, these are just starting points. As you delve deeper into Ayurveda, you can discover a wealth of personalized practices to create a life that aligns with your unique doshic constitution.

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May 31, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Excellent source of information regarding Ayurved, clearly written articles.

Ashley Cruz
Ashley Cruz
Jun 12, 2024
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Hi! Thanks! We work hard on them <3 😍

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